Belgian species list
All things considered progressif.

Aim :
THIS SITE IS AN ARCHIVE aimed to be the online reference in the field of nomenclature and occurrence of species in
Belgium. We wanted to assemble this information in a centralized and standardized website.
Since 2017, the site has not been updated due to lack of resources. In its complete version (with news, photos and
advanced search functions in all languages and in the photos), the site was intended for a wide audience: researchers,
decision makers, students, journalists, conservationists, and all those who care about nature.
This archive still presents the following advantages:
You have quick access to :
- an exhaustive inventory of the species present in Belgium
- a fairly elaborate classification* of the species, taking into account the evolution of phylogeny
- Accepted scientific name, based on the most recent revisions
- Vernacular names in French, Dutch, German and English when they exist
- Synonyms, if any
- Whether it is indigenous or introduced
- Protection status
- Distribution
- Occurrence
- Habitat
- Photos of the species;
- Distribution maps or links towards cooperating websites. (directly accessible or indirectly via partner sites).
genus (genus), species (species), subspecies (subspecies), variety (varietas), form (forma) and subform (subforma).